Thursday, 5 February 2009

Monitoring Fetus

At the time of the critical, sometimes the fetus is unable more "fight" to the process of birth. Through monitoring, the condition can be detected.
Although the process is a process of natural childbirth, the fetus can not fluent. And, if you have a high risk pregnancy, age over 35 years old, suffering from the disease (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, lungs and kidneys), the death of the fetus and often the birth, the fetus must be done.

Preview beating heart
Monitoring the fetus can not be performed eyes, because he was still "hide" in the womb. Overall, the monitoring is done in a way to hear the fetal heartbeat. Not only hard or weak heartbeat, but also changes beat especially if the uterine contraction occurs. Why? When the fetal stress, the heartbeat is rhythmic and strong, it can not be weakened and rhythmic. This information is necessary to know to what extent the ability of fetal tolerance confinement. Doctors may also need to know whether or not to intervene.
As a note, a normal heart rate shows that the fetus does not experience stress is 120-160 per minute, with the variability around 5.25 beat per minute.
There are many other ways
Here are some ways that the fetus is normal:
* Fetoscope
* Done with the specially designed stethoscope to listen to the heart tap fetus.
* This method is very simple. However, if there is high-risk patients are in treatment or inducted particular fetoscope can not be used to monitor the fetus for 24 hours non-stop.
Doppler *
* By using ultrasound or sound waves.
* Can be performed when the mother contraction.
* This is also simple, but can not be used as a continuous monitoring of risk pregnancies.
* Electronic fetal monitoring
* View a fetal heartbeat and the mother contarction.
* Use can be maintained, can also only briefly.
* Add to use in high-risk mothers.
* Mother can not move freely. As a result, may delay the process of childbirth because of attention to engine changed.
* Internal control
* More accurate than electronic fetal monitoring, use of the instrument to the head of the fetus.
* For the continuous monitoring of high-risk mothers.
* Used as a fetus already broken and the establishment of the vagina approximately 2.3 cm.
* The risk of causing infection in the fetus or the mother because the fetus already broken. So, when used high-risk fetal condition or a need for precise control.
* Telemetry monitoring
* It is the latest way to monitor the fetus.
* With the help of radio waves associated with the transmitter (transmitter) is placed on a small thigh mother. Transmitter functioned emit sound fetal heartbeat, which can be followed from the nurses room.
* For pregnant women the risk is low, it is still.
When a more suitable?
Not all equipment is suitable for different types of pregnancy and childbirth, because it depends on how labor and the state of the mother and fetus. Why?
* Mother of the high risk may need a continuous monitoring during labor. Monitoring the fetus does not increase a sustainable condition fetus or the mother in the process of childbirth, but only to monitor and assist the physician diagnosis.
* If the condition of both mother and fetus, usually a form of looking stethoscope, and Doppler ultrasonography (USG), is effective enough to estimate the baby's condition.

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