Friday, 6 March 2009

Colds and flu in children

The children are often exposed to cold, cough or flu, the following information to:
Respiratory tract infection - Influenza (Flu)
Flu caused by viruses and usually, the length infected 5 days - 2 weeks, depending on the resistance of the body and no other people around who are also infected.

Punk / cold weather with the flu, is a mechanism for the body to eliminate the virus breed in mid-nasal cavity and the surrounding areas.
The means of transmission of influenza:

* A cough or sneezing
* Direct Contact
* Use objects together
* Air cool, or because they were not wearing warm clothing so that children catch a cold, flu is not a reason

Symptoms of flu:

* Red Nose and clogged
* Red watery eyes
* Starting with the nasal mucus thin and clear, and become thick and greenness, you snot end with a clear and quick return
* Cough
* Sneezing
* Voters slightly hoarse
* Abdominal pain and bone, joint and muscle
* Fever

How to:

* In principle, that can cure flu immune system (of course takes time), not flu drugs, no antibiotics, no vitamin C.
* Other studies demonstrate that, with or without drugs, the healing time will not change
* If a child with a fever, temperature> 38.5 C, give paracetamol
* When the nasal mucus is very thick, providing a sterile saline (NaCl 0.9%), and nasal drops (can buy a pharmacy in accordance with the recommended dose of doctor / health). Saltwater does not cause side effects because it is salt water I have in our bodies
* Suck using the snot sucker mucus also helps reduce gags before the baby is drinking milk before bed or
* Create a room with a humid install humidifiers, air moisturizer or place a bucket of hot water room.
* Much consumed fluids (water-white, water, fruit, etc.).


* Wash your hands
* Keep children from influenza patients, especially in infants <3>
* Teach children not to use the goods that belong to other people, especially in eating and drinking facilities, handkerchief, napkins, towels, etc.
* Teach children to cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
* Keep cleaning house, especially bathrooms and kitchens

Talk to your doctor if:

* Baby <3>
* Fever> 72 hours
* Cough> 1 week, or severe cough with vomiting
* Jumpy and lethargy (decreased consciousness)
* Choking or bluish appear around the lips and mouth
* Rare void or does not want to drink
* Can blood phlegm
* Thick green snot> 2 weeks

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