Friday, 24 April 2009

High - energy diet (weight gain diet)

Although the majority of the population on the various regimes fight against obesity, there is a group of persons acting against and try to gain weight. Increased weight in health (through the growth of muscle tissue, not fat!) Is a slow process. To gain 0.5 kg per week consumption of 500 kcal per day more and more necessary. This amount of calories can be variable, because the metabolism is influenced by the physical space, temperature, hormone levels, age, sex, state of the nervous system, consumption of coffee, tea , tobacco and natural genetics. Taking into account the above factors must be aware that it is not easy.
Anyone who wants to gain weight, initially for 7 days, should carefully write what they ate and drank all day, only count the calories consumed on the recall should be regular "food" week. During these 7 days, each morning before the first meal and each evening one of his records and the possibility of fluctuations in weight and the correlation with the amount of daily calories. Register calories calories, estimate what amount should be guaranteed to get the weight. To obtain such an average daily caloric expenditure 500 kcal per day should be added. If after 2 months has not gained weight, the amount of calories taken should be increased from 250 kcal in nutrition.
To win, a weight to a number of important rules of food:
constant daily eating three main meals and two or three snacks. None of them can be beaten. By extension, the meal of "regime" to a 5-6 not to consume self-meal and do not feel "complete". Often, only 2.3 meals, which weighs only unnecessary digestion are consumed per day. The last meal - snack should be eaten as late as possible so as not to disturb sleep and problems sleeping. Between meals should not be more than 4 hours
after physical effort in place of water should drink large quantity of liquid foods - fruits and vegetables, fat and milk drinks (best fermented). Included in the water to activate the muscles,
intensified physical exercise to stimulate muscle tissue growth. In naturally lean because of physical exercise to lose weight instead of his victory, but they stimulate the appetite by the amount of calories can also be increased. Exercises also cause increased thirst, which could be used to consume large quantities of fruits and vegetables and milk drinks,
to obtain a weight should be patient, but the slower and more systematic weight gain of new muscle tissue is kg instead of fat,
generally, the consumption of large amount of fat influences weight gain, but the highest amount of consumption of animal fats, eg butter, fat cheese, fat cream, fatty meats and fast food can lead to increased cholesterol levels, which is why they should be eaten in moderation, while the consumption of unsaturated fats from olives, olive oil, fish and nuts are good,
candy, which also affect weight gain should be replaced by sugary foods and higher nutritional value (because the content of vitamins and minerals essential for the proper weight), such as: wholesale fruit and vegetables and drink milk, muesli, honey, nuts and raisins, dried fruits,
Avoid caffeine and nicotine than they stimulate the metabolism to burn calories faster
rest, relaxation, physical exercise are factors that indirectly affect the weight increase. The stress and tension of the nervous system are all factors that should be avoided in the diet.
Recommended Products (extra) at the top - energy (increased weight) diet
pasta (half hard-cooked), brown (natural) rice,
Brown full of baked milling, bakery full of rye,
muesli, flakes, nuts and raisins, sunflower seeds, pumpkin,
dried fruit: apricot, banana, papaya, apples, plums, figs, dates,
fruit: pineapple, banana, grapefruit, avocado, strawberries,
thickness of fruits and vegetables, nectar,
milk beverages, kefir, yogurt, milk, sour milk-loving,
vegetables: peas, corn (avoid possible), potatoes, beans, carrots, marrow vegetables, olives, other vegetables, cloves,
olive oil
poultry, beef.

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