Monday 2 March 2009

Coffee and Diabetes Risk

Harvard School of Public Health Long-Term Coffee Consumption in Relation
Reduced risk for type 2 diabetes
Boston, MA? A study by researchers at the Harvard School of Public
Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital has found that the participants
who regularly drank coffee significantly reduced the risk of starting
type 2 diabetes, compared with non-coffee drinking participants. Of
findings appear in the Jan 6, 2004 from the annals of the Interior

More than 125,000 study participants who were free of diabetes, cancer,
Cardiovascular disease and the beginning of the study were selected from
go in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study and the Brigham and
Women's Hospital-based Nurses Health Study. Approximately 41,934 people were
kept from 1986 to 1998 and 84,276 women from1980 to 1998 by the Food --
frequency questionnaires every two to four years for the assessment of their registration
regular and two decaf Friday

During the span of the study, 1333 new cases of type 2 diabetes were
diagnosed in 4085 between men and women participants. The researchers
also found that men who drank more than six cups
Caffeinated coffee per day to their risk of type 2 diabetes
more than 50 percent compared with men in the study who did not drink
brown. Among women who drank six or more cups per day
reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 30 percent. These effects
were not living by factors such as smoking, physical activity,
or obesity. Decaffeinated coffee is good, but its effects
were weaker than regular coffee.

The researchers note that caffeine, the best known ingredient in regular
coffee, is known for its blood sugar and increasing energy expenditure
the short term, but long-term effects are not well understood.
Coffee (regular and decaffeinated) has as many antioxidants
chlorogenic acid (one of the compounds responsible for coffee
flavor) and magnesium. These ingredients can improve
sensitivity to insulin and may contribute to reducing the risk of type 2

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